精灵宝可梦第二季超世代是由汤山邦彦,日高政光,浅田裕二,须藤典彦,秦义人,嵯峨敏,长滨亘彦,渡边正彦,松本佳久,志村锭儿执导,松本梨香,大谷育江,川菜翠,山田恭子,上田祐司,林原惠美,三木真一郎,犬山犬子,斋贺光希,金丸淳一,野泽雅子,野岛健儿,石冢运升,兴梠里美主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:这个星球上生活着不可思议的生物神奇宝贝。现在开始讲述少年小智和神奇宝贝们的相遇、冒险和战斗经历的故事。 在结束了在成都地区的旅行后 小智只带上了他最先获得的神奇宝贝——皮卡丘 来到了芳缘地方。但
Sublimation of romance in both spiritual & carnal sides in a thrilling, dark & foreboding atmosphere. Impressive cinematography & time-colouring, making up for some memorable scenes. Unequal performances though (top-notch stuff by Oldman, blunt act by Keenu). 2020 edit, after reading the book: Masterpiece. Should have been titled Coppola's Dracula as the director, although adapting the original material, proceeds to a substantial transfiguration. The film is a constant dialogue between two great artists, making use of aesthetics and themes most pertinent to their time. The book serves as a revered foundation, on which the director builds upon layers of subtext, a new story & meanings