双花镜是由修潇楠执导,王一钧,郭嘉语,张永博 Yongbo Zhang,曹星宇,李佳成,李海东,邵嘉,左峻函,何泽宇主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:南渊国将军之女苏南嫣自幼习武,乃当今南渊第一高手,为监视及保护东雀国在南渊的质子百里景行而与之联姻。但在大婚第二日清晨,她却忽然晕了过去,醒来的时候一切似乎都变得奇怪了起来,苏南嫣只能拥有夜晚的时间,
This is the anniversary of my father's death. You don't have to be sad. My dad was an asshole. He robbed, raped and killed. His death was good for society. but my dad loved me a lot. He robbed a bank because he wanted to buy me a toy car. He killed a man because he said I wasn't handsome. He raped because I told him I wanted a sister. my dad was a