恰好去远方是由执导,主演的一部大陆综艺。主要讲述了:《恰好去远方》是由爱奇艺推出的高原探索纪实综艺,预计Q2上线。节目将邀请一群摇滚人前往藏地旅行,台上特立独行的摇滚音乐人在旅途中又会发生什么趣事? 几位摇滚人沿天河雅鲁藏布江一路前行,伴随奔腾的
I think when you walk in to a Disney feature you expected it to be emotionally safe in this Disney bubble or filter of the world outside however this show kinda flip my expectations in a good way and I like how they still manage to stay in that happy bubble in the end in a logical and heartwarming way.