爱闪亮是由宋洋执导,江铠同,范逸臣,江若琳,徐正溪,李雅男,恬妞,骆达华,刘思巍,武家辉,肖涵,吴玉芳,曹毅,武泽锦熙,白凡,朱亚英,何曙霞,普超英,王伟波,刘春,曹艳艳,王芳政,朱玟晞主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:甄珠(江铠同 饰)从小就渴望成为一名服装设计师,并且一直在为了实现理想而努力的奋斗着。一次偶然中,甄珠邂逅了名为何至伟的男子,何至伟是衔着金汤匙出生的千金大少爷,家财万贯,两人相互吸引坠入了爱河。
Rewatched in May 2021. Being a Philip K. Dick adaptation, the story that Minority Report tells is compelling and raises deep political questions - ones that are not as futuristic as they may have seemed on their first publication. The richness of the scenario is such that the film contains two interrelated plots that could have been made into two separate full-length movies that both deliver in their own right. The logic of the occurring events and their plausibility within the boundaries of the film will keep you wondering if there isn't anything amiss in terms of holes & inconsistencies, but everything checks out perfectly at the end of the day.