风流才子翻转天是由张中一,杨放执导,邓超,田海蓉,王学兵,程莉莎,姜峰,刘潇潇,朱梓郡,冯静主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:晚清的佛山南海,土地富饶,却也横行着贪官和权贵,爱恨情愁在这里交织,新与旧的观念在这里碰撞。 主人公康南海(邓超饰)出身封建家庭,自幼习文,知书达礼。天资聪慧的他成长为博览群书、足智多谋的青年才
a load of pretentious, incomprehensible twaddle. sort of a cross between first-semester screenwriting and a meandering architectural travelogue as Frances walks the streets admiring the real estate, chain-smoking, and giving away her fortune to park-bench vagrants and other assorted freaks and wackos. accompanied by so many shots of uneaten meals that the end credits include a “culinary stylist.” It’s good to see Michelle Pfeiffer in movies, but not in this one.