女子军魂是由管虎执导,闫妮,耿乐,胡晓光,倪虹洁,徐冬梅主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:遵义会议后,党中央拟在川、黔边建立新的革命根据地,红军与几省国民党军队、地方军阀乃至土匪武装频繁作战,战争形势危机重重,犬牙交错。 为开辟新的革命根据地,红一方面军某师接受命令,肃清四川的反动土
“Doesn’t matter whether you’re staying or leaving, home is always home. Nobody will forget their homes.” “...nature is fascinating. Those on the top may return to the sea, and what’s in the sea might return to the mountain. Like salmon, they would fight way back up to where they were born. When they get there, they make love, give birth and die.”