破茧是由李京东,马逸腾执导,张耀,楚月,马可,董琦,兰海蒙,黄勐,杨诚诚,扈天翼,梁志港,丁嘉丽,陶红,邢岷山,霍青,马跃主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:省昆虫研究所毒理昆虫学专业研究生谭景天无意中卷入一桩离奇的案件,死因竟与一种罕见的虫子——子弹蚁有直接的关系。 谭景天为洗脱“罪名”协助警察破案,并因此与年轻女法医金灵产生交集。谭景天在昆虫专业
DC: our fans love popcorn movies while looking for satire on current events to distinguish themselves so much let's get'em a soft reboot of the previous bullshit got both like surf and turf and keeping some of the original casts that ain't expensive blablabla ➡️plz subscribe our streaming service xoxo