全职猎人2011是由神志那弘志,青木弘安,矢岛哲生,米田和弘,高桥知也,松村政辉,友田政晴,牛岛新一郎,竹下健一执导,潘惠美,伊濑茉莉也,泽城美雪,藤原启治,浪川大辅,宫野真守,内田直哉,山口胜平,日高法子,荒川美穗,朴璐美,大塚明夫,大桥贤一郎,前田玲奈,木内秀信,山寺宏一,松风雅也,能登麻美子,堀内贤雄,岩男润子,永井一郎,银河万丈,平野绫,岸尾大辅,关俊彦,寺崎裕香,植田佳奈,横山智佐,池田秀一,内山昂辉,藤村步,立木文彦,羽多野涉,楠大典,三木真一郎,高木涉,井上喜久子,飞田展男,远藤绫,内田真礼,高桥广树,大谷育江,二又一成主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:小杰富力士(潘惠美 配音)自幼失去双亲,由婶婶抚养长大,自由的大海和幽深的森林培养了他得天独厚的敏锐和豁达。长大后的小杰偶然得知,自己的父亲并没有死亡,并且留给了他一个任务,这个任务就是:成为“猎
「Extraordinary stories inspired by ordinary women.」「For a moment, the rabbit did not know if she had the courage to say what she wanted to say. But, somewhere, there was a voice saying, "Do it. If you dare. Think of all the other timid rabbits, who could not be so brave."」「They thought AIDS was just for gays. But it weren't. And even if it were, we are all human, you understand me?」「I hope that our sisters will no longer nurse the view that they are weak.」「We will be making history. Finally. By just living. And you will not stop us any more.」