完全婚姻手册是由江澄执导,盖丽丽,马伊琍,陈红,常戎,孙思瀚,佟瑞欣,王景春,张子健,江澄,何赛飞,陈坚红,孙伟,赵锦涛,方舟波,王宇,谭增卫,齐大刚,谈鹏飞,刘斌主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:电视剧通过三对夫妻迥异的境遇,精准而又理性的剖析了当代人的婚姻状态。 宏传(常戎 饰)和贝贝(盖丽丽 饰)的婚姻走到了尽头,他们离了婚,又再度走入了两段新的关系之中。就在这个节骨眼上,宏传和贝贝
revisited@2018.9: Amazing story telling. So the story is about never give up and it has perfect symmetry in terms of a start and an end for almost every leading actor/actress. Also there are couple exciting scenes throughout the film: the opening climb, the storm, the Nitro, the helicopter and final rescue. Worth looking every ten years.