小爸爸是由文章执导,文章,马伊琍,朱佳煜,王耀庆,徐梵溪,刘欢,张子萱,马精武,侯传杲,米露,尹航主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:在某汽修厂悠哉游哉过着舒服生活的于果(文章 饰),突然被从天而降的儿子夏天(朱佳煜 饰)搞得晕头转向。原来当年他和好哥们齐大胜(刘欢 饰)去美国交流,与作为地陪的斯坦福高才生夏小白(尹航 饰)共谱
编撰辞典竟然要这样寻根溯源,几乎翻遍所有的文字记载;按照语录或者大纲杜撰不是简单多了,不追求真实的语言真的还能发展吗。对牛津辞典另眼相看,对中文深感担忧。/A dictionary by democracy. Still edited by us, learned men. /Please, let me teach you. You can teach your children. It's freedom./I can fly out of this place on the backs of books. I've gone to the end of the world on the wings of words. When I read, no one is after me. When I read, I am the one who is chasing, chasing after God./What I know of love, the sickness often becomes the cure./谨防心理医生。/片中的怪词少份清单