小姨多鹤是由安建执导,孙俪,姜武,闫学晶,萨日娜,杜源,冯雷,张佳宁,姚刚,白恩主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:1945年,日本战败。延绵八年的战争令中日两国人民都遭受了巨大的创伤。在中国东北,一个聚集着日本人的村落,当得知战败的消息后,村民集体自杀,美丽的日本女孩多鹤(孙俪 饰)是这场劫难的唯一幸存者。几
One might dispute how real, or how artificial this film really is (indeed, that's what the directors themselves explicitly examined in the film), but there is no denying that this is one of the greatest, and most self-reflexive experiments in cinema history. By allowing the interlocutors to dictate where they want to take the conversation, Rouch & Morin created a moving poetry in motion.