奶奶再爱我一次是由陈朱煌执导,李琳,江宏恩,萧蔷,黄子腾,张宇菲主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:故事发生在闽南一代,陈满足(方周媛 饰)出生在一个贫穷的家庭之中,父亲去世之后,为了能够好好的安葬父亲,陈满足接受了好友雪梅(陆子艺 饰)一家人的帮助,陈满足也就此成为了雪梅家里的帮佣。在雪梅家里
一周3集不够看,搞笑又惊险,潘粤明演技太赞了,陈玉楼切换胡八一毫无违和感,姜超简直就是王胖子本尊呀,就金爷看着嫩了点。画面制作配乐都很喜欢,值4星,为老潘+1星,5星! 鹧鸪哨出场了,高伟光的演技又回来了!太帅啦!
3.5 Manipulating, selfish, arrogant piece of shit who happens to be a cheating bi and lying all the time about almost everything in his life, like a black hole, sucking everything near to him. It’s a shame he didn’t won that election, he’d be a perfect politician. (Now I am so disgusted by Colin’s face and that “innocent” smirk, guilty or not…