超出预期的好看!摄影好棒!温子仁拍的意大利和沙漠等好几个地方都美轮美奂 尤其是多场海戏 对于我一个热爱大海的人来说简直视觉盛宴!虽是英雄式电影但剧情其实也不低幼 寻找三叉戟带上了和平以及母爱是个好思路 而且诚意满满的143分钟里打斗戏拳拳到肉也是非常过瘾的!湄拉的红头发很美!今次真的要吹爆温子仁!!!
10/03/2018, Alice Tully Hall @NYFF. 心心念念,终于看成了。太好看了,越到后面越好看。Superb in every aspect. Fiercely engrossing and stunningly subtle. Ah-In Yoo and Steven Yeun bring so much life into the story with their gorgeous performances; and the chemistry between them is palpable. 有很多场戏都特别美。从他们smoke pot的那个scene开始,暗流便汹涌了起来。全片最后一个scene出乎意料。如梦魇如幻象。映后Steven Yeun的Q & A也特别棒,what he said and the way he presented himself were so beautifully articulate, poised, and gentle. 还惊喜而意外地跟他拍了selfie,他真的很sweet很humble很thoughtful,本人和电影里一样好看。