未来简史是由安德鲁·摩根执导,Ari Wallach主演的一部纪录片。主要讲述了:讲述我们的未来以及我们如何重新构想它们。由著名未来学家阿里·瓦拉赫主持,邀请观众踏上一次环游世界的旅程,充满发现、希望和可能性,了解我们今天所处的位置以及接下来会发生什么。将历史、科学和意想不到的
The amount of emotional vulnerability and sensibility portrayed in this film is laudable: the writing and editing really made sure to give enough space for the audience to savor the messiness, complexity and depth of the hardest to express emotions like grief fear and love. At times the scenes felt too much like a music video, but overall they make it a stylish film.