《世纪末救世主传说 北斗神拳》剧情简介
世纪末救世主传说 北斗神拳是由芦田丰雄,板野一郎,Masahisa Ishida执导,神谷明,难波圭一,千叶繁,一龙斋贞友主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:公元199X年,人类世界的最高首领因一己私欲发动战争,甚至愚蠢地按下毁灭世界的按钮。世界遭受核武器洗礼,山崩地裂,海水枯竭。部分人类虽侥幸存活,然地球上资源短缺,使得血腥纷争仍在继续。 世间传说
《世纪末救世主传说 北斗神拳》相关评论
He said an equation had no meaning unless it express the thought of God. Perhaps he’s right. Isn’t this exactly our justification for pure mathematics? We are merely explorers of infinity in the pursuit of absolute perfection. We did not invent these formulas they already exist. Lying in way for only mind like Ramnujin to divine and prove.